Introduction to SQL
This class introduces Standard Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most widely used programming language for accessing databases. Once relegated exclusively to use by developers, the language has proliferated into the realm of data analysis, business intelligence, and beyond. Modern tools such as Salesforce, Tableau, Power BI, and other data visualization tools now have interfaces for writing and executing SQL queries well beyond the purview of “software development.”
At a glance:
Appropriate for programmers who don’t know SQL as well as complete beginners.
3 to 6 days of class depending on specializations.
Focus on querying, the all important “foreign key” relationship, and navigating complex schemas with optional specializations in Regular Expressions, Common Table Expressions, subqueries, window functions, and set operations.
Course Objectives
By the end of this class students will be able to:
Identify, define, and apply core SQL, especially:
Tables, rows, columns, and data types.
Select, Join, and Where.
Use aggregates and grouping to combine multiple rows into single values (such as an average).
Write and execute SQL queries and statements.
Perform operations and use functions to combine and manipulate data in SQL.
Use a SQL query tool to connect to, query, and explore relational databases.
And, depending on specializations:
Use Regular Expressions to find patterns in complex text fields.
Use Common Table Expressions and Subqueries to create more complex queries.
Use window functions to aggregate across different fields in a single query.
Use set operations to combine the results of multiple queries into a result set.
Classroom Experience
Teb’s Lab courses have an emphasis on hands-on education. This class is organized around a repeated 3-step pattern:
First, your instructor will provide a walkthrough of a snippet of Python code. This will involve line by line analysis of the code, use of a debugger to examine the state of the code after each line executes, and “micro-exercises” to allow students to test their understanding and apply the new concepts.
Second, students will tackle a longer exercise. These exercises will challenge students to apply the concepts and — as the course progresses — combine new knowledge with previously acquired skills. During these exercises students will receive direct support and feedback from the instructor.
Third, students will see and share solutions to the exercise. One solution will be provided by the instructor. Additionally, students will be invited to share their own solutions. Those who do will receive the gift of additional feedback from their peers and the instructor. Those who do not will still have the opportunity to give feedback, and learn from their peers’ work.
Courses with Teb’s Lab are keenly focused on a class atmosphere that is:
Interactive and challenging; wrestling with tough concepts is a cornerstone of learning.
Welcoming and inclusive; safety and comfort allow learners to be present and engaged.
Fun and interesting; boredom is the bane of education.
Logistics and Pricing
Teb’s Lab classes are delivered over Zoom.
We charge a flat rate of $600 per classroom hour.
With a full class of 20 students this is only $30 per student per hour.
Each day of instruction takes place over one 8-hour period, which includes an hour-long lunch break.
Start times are somewhat flexible, our instructor is located in US Mountain Time.
Class days can be consecutive or spaced out over the course of multiple weeks.
Classes are capped at 20 students per session.
How To Book This Class
Use the form below to schedule a free consultation regarding this course. We do not book any courses without a consultation to ensure alignment on course goals and delivery logistics.
Book a Consultation Now
Consultations are completely free and carry no obligation. During the consultation we’ll answer any questions you have about the course, discuss scheduling and logistics, and discuss payment. Your consultation will be with the instructor who would teach the class.